Get your custom avatar now before it's too late! Limited artist capacity due to high demand.

100% Free Avatar Maker

Make your own digital mini-me with our free avatar maker! No need to pay big bucks for a custom avatar - just scroll down and start creating your own unique digital persona using free avatar maker.

Avatar Maker

100% Free Avatar Maker

This is our 100% free avatar maker. You don’t need to download any software to use it — it works entirely in your browser. You can design a male avatar for your internet/social accounts, your YouTube channel, or whatever else your heart desires!

How to get started creating a free avatar

To understand what this system can do, hit the RANDOM button. The avatar maker will craft a new character using a random assortment of features. Feel free to hit the RANDOM button as much as you like until you land on something close to what you want. Then you can fine-tune that creation to your liking.

Of course, if you want to make an avatar that looks a lot like you, the RANDOM button isn’t ideal. In that case, hit the RESET button and play with the various features. You can alter the face, eyes, hair, clothes, and background style of your avatar. There are dozens of options under each category, so you’ll want to take your time finding the best combination of features. Try making these selections near a mirror or with a selfie nearby so you can use your own face as a reference.

Along with all your choices for face details, you also have four choices of art styles. You can see these at the top of the avatar maker: default, polygonal, anime-style, and black-and-white. You can jump back and forth through these styles anytime — it won’t erase the work you’ve done so far!

If you do make a mistake, use the UNDO and REDO buttons as much as needed. These can be incredibly helpful for seeing the subtle differences between two choices. If you want to start over from scratch, the RESET button is always there!

Ready to download your free avatar?

To download your free avatar, just hit the DOWNLOAD button. You’ll have three choices for the type of download. Most people will be good with the 200px PNG, but if you need something a bit bigger, the 400px PNG works, too. If you need the highest quality, the SVG option will grab you a lossless version of the avatar. You’ll need special software (i.e. Adobe Illustrator) to work with this file, however.

We would be so happy if you shared this free avatar maker with your friends! To do so, hit the SHARE button to push a link to your Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Pinterest, WhatsApp, or Telegram profiles. Thank you!