Examples of Hand-drawn Custom Family Portraits in Cartoon Style

We would be thrilled to count you among our satisfied customers, but if you need more convincing, take a look at some of the avatars of families and relatives we made.

Unusual photos for unusual families

At Avatoon we’re well aware of what tases off as custom family portraits in that great market that is the internet. We’re already rather adapted at picking through the detritus. Family photos can be crude, they can be a bit crass, they can be all over the place, BUT what they CAN’T be is common. When you decide to honor and possibly celebrate the madness that is your kin and that mayhem that signifies their love it should be of the highest quality. No shoddy filters, no automatic templates, no swipe, and suddenly you have a product that’s exactly like your neighbors — you’re not buying a meal at the nearest fast-food franchise.

3 components of amazing custom family portrait

At Avatoon we guarantee great results because we’ve managed the mesh together the 3 components needed for high-quality custom family portrait drawings. One: Proprietary tech — our simple to understand platform uses the most advanced AI motor in the market. It is an intuitive system that’s bad on the principles of machine learning. Easy to use, intuitive in nature, but with a huge punch. Two: each caricature of a family that is sent over to us is examined, analyzed, and hand-drawn by a certified animator and artist. Our staff has been handpicked to include expert animators renowned in their field. Each family portrait is unique and irreplaceable — no software, app, or other animators will be able to recreate it. It will be yours and just yours. We don’t use shortcuts or automatic filters.

Finally, the 3rd magic ingredient in our process is the fact that we value your input. Only you understand your family, only you can give us that magical input that will give life to our drawing. You comprehend the dynamic, you delight in the incongruities, you live with these people and you have a deep understanding of what makes them tick and what qualities you want a caricature to capture. That’s the benefit that a custom family cartoon gives you and your kin, it elicits emotions a simple photo can’t — it manages to bottle anecdotes, and histories, and ethereal factors that a plain vanilla photo can’t. A cartoonist works with something more than a lens, or light, they work with the power of imagination.

Choose an avatar type you'd like to get

Affordable, high quality, and fast — that’s the end product of our service. At Avatoon we value the collaboration between tech, artist, and client. You’ll be taken into account every stage — from inception to approval, to edits; your wishes and desires are taken into account. Your family portrait will be a work of art expertly crafted by our caricature team at Avatoon — each custom family caricature hand-drawn, and of the highest quality. A unique, fancy, stylish design that celebrates your family and manages to honor that wacky personality and nature only you can appreciate. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity and adorn your family album with something that’s not only fun and posh but also out of this world.

Get Your Custom Made Cartoon Avatar Today

We offer professionally illustrated avatars for companies, and individuals as well. These can be used for both professional and personal purposes.​